Buffelgrass Frequently Asked Questions

Take a digital photo and email an expert. 本网站列出了几个参与组织,它们将能够帮助您进行植物鉴定. Also, be sure to note what other species of mature grasses are in the area.

You should kill the plants to prevent them from seeding neighboring areas.

There are two main ways to eradicate buffelgrass effectively. 如果50%或更多的植物是绿色的,可以使用除草剂杀死植物. Herbicide only works on actively growing cells of the plant, thus it has to be green when you spray it. If less than 50% of the plant is green manual removal is the best method.

Chemical 控制 (Herbicide):

Plants must be green and actively growing for herbicides to be effective; this can happen anytime between February and November when rains are good. 草甘膦(农达®的活性成分)可以非常有效地杀死草. Follow the label 方向; for very green plants a 2% solution works well, as the plants dry higher concentrations may be more effective. 在植物上喷洒足够的化学药品,以覆盖所有的叶子,但不要太多,以免流失. 在化学溶液中加入染料可以帮助你避免喷洒非目标物种,并确保你不会错过植物或喷洒两次.

Manual 控制 (Pulling):

Mowing is not an effective control method. 在把蛇从泥土里拔出来之前,最好先检查一下有没有蛇. A digging tool is needed to loosen the soil around the plant so that it can be pulled up without leaving roots and leaf bases behind; if any part of the root ball is left behind it will resprout. 土条(a).k.a.(如挖土棒、挖土棒、石镐)可以很好地使植物脱离土壤. Wedge the soil bar point into soil at the base of the plant at an angle; push down on the soil bar to lever the plant out of the ground. A rock can be used as a fulcrum to provide more leverage. 把根部的泥土抖掉,放入一个重型垃圾袋中处理.



由于几个原因,通常没有必要在清除了水牛草的地区重新播种. 第一个, 在图森盆地,除非使用补充灌溉,否则在大多数年份里,它太干燥了,种子无法可靠地发芽和存活. 本地物种通常在高于平均降雨量的罕见年份偶尔建立. 其次, 本地种子不受与作物种子相同的纯度和发芽规定的约束, and can often be contaminated with invasive species and other undesirables. 最后, 种子通常需要良好的土壤接触才能成功发芽,这通常意味着某种形式的土壤扰动(如耕作)。, which facilitates invasion by undesirable species like buffelgrass. 因此, 在新清理的地区传播本地种子时,你可能无意中传播了其他“问题”物种.

要维持一个没有buffelgrass的区域,需要定期移除不需要的植物. Establishing natives will not prevent re-invasion of invasive grasses. As long as a source population is around, 它需要持续的维护,以防止入侵的草重新侵扰已清除的地区. 如果有其他原因需要建立原生植被(例如在景观设置中), 然后在凉爽的季节种植容器,并在第一个夏天给予补充水通常是有效的. 这是建立本地植物以达到适当密度和物种调色板的最可靠的方法. Advice from local nurseries, your Cooperative Extension Agent, or the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum may also be helpful.

Maintain your area as buffelgrass-free, as if you were fighting a fire. Notify Pima County Department of Environmental Quality, City of Tucson Department of Neighborhood 资源, Arizona Department of Agriculture, 或者是一个类似的监管机构,你关心的是你的财产对周围环境的妨害.

No. 你花在移除单个种子头上的时间,还不如花在移除植物本身上.

When mature: plains bristlegrass (Setaria macrostachya), Pima pappusgrass (Pappophorum vaginatum), Arizona cottontop (Digitaria californica), and tanglehead (Heteropogon contortus) When seedlings: annual panicum (Panicum spp.), Mexican sprangletop (Leptochloa filiformis)

只有当你警惕地观察(并迅速移除)堆肥区和花园中的幼苗之后! This is not a recommended disposal technique for buffelgrass, 只有在极度谨慎的情况下,你才应该考虑这种处理方法!

不. There are no native grazers in the Sonoran Desert. Cattle will graze green buffelgrass, 但在陡峭的山坡上很难到达那里,那里的人口往往是从那里开始的. 人们偶尔会看到大野兔啃食腐朽的秆,某些蚂蚁和啮齿动物可能会收获种子. 这些都不是, 然而, 能否迅速减少或完全消灭牛耳草种群,以防止增加火灾可能性和对生态系统和人口稠密地区的相关风险的侵扰.

As long as you follow the label 方向 for applying the herbicide, dangers to wildlife and pets are minimal. If your pet accidently injests herbicides, 查看标签上的具体说明,并立即通知中毒控制中心.

您可以在大多数五金店或农业供应网点购买含有草甘膦的除草剂(农达®或类似的通用除草剂)和除草剂染料. In Arizona, two such outlets are Fertizona and United Agri Products. Prices vary by product brand and concentration. 一个高质量的背包喷雾器可以从网上或当地的林业供应商那里购买. Expect to pay ~$150.00 for a sprayer that will last more than one season.

There are no organic herbicides. 所有商业上可用的除草剂都必须经过严格的测试,它们已经被美国农业部批准.S. 环境保护署除草剂标签上提供的施用量. 2022世界杯下注总是建议在所有应用中严格遵循标签说明.

You can buy a digging bar at most hardware stores for about ~$15.00-20.00.

是的. The most common and widespread are fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum), African tick grass (Eragrostis echinochloidea), Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana), Natal grass (Melinis repens), Kleberg bluestem (Dichanthium annulatum), and soft-feather pappusgrass (Enneapogon cenchroides).

Buffelgrass is invasive in the subtropics all around the world, 包括德州, 夏威夷, 墨西哥, 南美, 澳大利亚, and the Caribbean Islands to name a few.

不作为的环境和经济成本将使积极缓解和控制的成本相形见绌, even given that buffelgrass will never be completely eradicated.
